If something is going to go wrong...... Whoa! Watch out!! It sure did today! Me, being the prepared one as always, actually had a major Goof up of epic proportions! I packed all the camera gear...Check! I packed supplies for the duration of the Timelapse shot...Check! Weather gear stowed....Check! Assistant along to document the adventure and assist whatever? Check!
Half-way up the mountain goat path of a road a thought occurred to me. Did we remember the camera batteries. We packed the camera. I remembered that one.... But, the batteries I didn't remember seeing either of us with them. I do know they were charging right by the door... Oh! I thought We "Must have remembered them." They are too important to forget......
So, I stopped the car, opened the trunk, and found to my immediate disappointment....We had no camera batteries at all.....NONE!! After thoughts of HariKari, and driving for 45 min. to get almost to the top of the mountain Vista, we turned around and drove 45 min. back down the Mountain goat path road to retrieve batteries. By this time, I had exactly one hour left till sunset.....
It was time for PLAN B!!
We decided to shoot from the airport Mesa instead of the Mountain Vista. It was actually a great spot after all. We got great footage..... Saw a wonderful sunset, met very nice people asking questions like....
What kind of camera is that?
Is this for a Movie?
What exactly is TimeLapse?
It takes How long? Hours to get minutes of footage? Really?
Do you know anybody famous?
So, we Cinematographer's shooting Timelapse in Sedona, Arizona had a bit of publicity if only for a fleeting moment. We were the Rock Star Photographer's of the Airport Mesa with our larger than Life Camera.
And so, I am preparing for an early start for a sunrise from the same location. But, something tells me I will be very alone at 5:30am. For some reason most people don't want to get up before the sun to record its rising..... Hmmm? Fancy That?